Kentucky Center for Mathematics - Kentucky Center for Mathematics

Kentucky Center for Mathematics

Event Registration - Kentucky Center for Mathematics
Bourbon County District Support - ELEMENTARY - Julie Adams (2024-25)
8/5/2024 - 5/30/2025
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM EST

Location: Bourbon Central Elementary School, 367 Bethlehem Road, Paris, KY 40361

Registration has Closed for this event.

If you are having trouble registering for an event, please contact the KCM at 859-572-7690 or at
Event Description
KCM's Bourbon County District  Support - ELEMENTARY - Julie Adams (2024-25)
The Kentucky Center for Mathematics (KCM) has contracted with Bourbon County Schools to provide customized District Support for 2024-2025. 
The contact person at Bourbon County Schools is Jill Maynard -; 859-987-2180 ext. 1127
Jill is the Director of Federal Programs, DAC, PD Coordinator, Homeless Liaison, Kindergarten Screener, Migrant Program.  
The Bourbon County School District Offices are located at 3343 Lexington Road, Paris, KY 40361

This professional learning event will track the ELEMENTARY educators from Bourbon County Schools who attend the kick-off session with KCM Regional Consultant Julie Adams on Monday, August 5, 2024. Math Teachers from all three elementary schools in Bourbon County will attend the kick-off session and then Julie Adams will provide follow-up support 2 times at each elementary school.

The 3 elementary schools in Bourbon County are:
1. Cane Ridge Elementary: 11/21/24; 1/30/25; 3/20/25. *They wanted 10/3/24 but Julie was unavailable on that date so a 4th date still needs to be selected. 
2. Bourbon Central Elementary: 12/20/24. *They have only given Julie 1 date.  
3. North Middletown Elementary: 10/22/24; 11/26/24; 1/21/25; 3/18/25. 
NOTE: Julie will make 4 school visits to each school. It was supposed to be 2 in the Fall of 2024 and two in the Spring of 2025. The known dates of those school visits are listed above 

Bourbon County Schools KCM Support Kick-off Session on Monday, August 5, 2024:
 Bourbon Central Elementary School, 367 Bethlehem Road, Paris, KY 40361
TIME: 8 am - 3 pm Eastern.
PLEASE NOTE: 3rd, 4th & 5th Grade Teachers meet from 8 - 11 am;  then K, 1st and 2nd Grade Teachers meet from 12-3 pm.  

Here are the Total Number Number of Teachers Per Grade Level: (per Jill Maynard via email to Julie 7/18/24)
Kindergarten:  7
1st Grade:  8
2nd Grade:  8
3rd Grade:  9 
4th Grade:  8
5th Grade:  7
TOTAL PARTICIPANTS: 47 EXPECTED (63 people registered on 8/5/24)

Each participant will receive a booklet containing the Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) for their grade level and a KCM folder containing a copy set for the information to be covered during Session 1.   

Julie Adams can be reached at or 606-782-2114
The Kentucky Center for Mathematics (KCM) can be reached at or 859-572-7690

The KCM is a legislated, state-funded, non-profit agency that provides professional learning events and materials for math educators. Our main office is located on the campus of Northern Kentucky University (NKU) in Highland Heights, Kentucky. Normal business hours are M-F 8:15 am - 4:30 pm Eastern.  Please visit our website at; you will find many free resources for math educators there. Our largest professional learning event is our annual 2-day math conference which in 2025 will meet on Monday and Tuesday, March 3 & 4, in Lexington. The KCM is proud to serve the hard-working math educators in Kentucky. Please reach out if we can help you in any way with teaching math to your students.